
See why local Mainers and organizations are supporting Bruce.

Maine Education Association

Now more than ever, we hope to work with legislators to make sure we have great public schools in every community of our state.

- Jesse Hargrove, MEA President


We are pleased to inform you that the Maine AFL-CIO has endorsed your candidacy for the Maine State Senate. We will inform our members in your District that their interests will be well served by electing you as a member of the 132nd Legislature.

- Cynthia Phinney, Maine AFL-CIO


Thank you for your support for working families and the essential services our members provide.

- Beth White, MSEA SEIU Local 1989

John Perry, Former President and USW Representative

United Steelworkers

The Steelworkers believe you share our core values of family, jobs and community and will support the issues of importance to labor and all working men and women throughout the state of Maine.

- David M. Waisura, Director, United Steelworkers District 4

Letters to the Editor